Wow.. I'm trying to think of why I haven't posted an update in the last week and a half.. and it's because I/we've been so busy. Time is really flying by this summer!
Last week I worked M-F and was pretty much beat by the time I get home from work. A day at work for me is 11 hours with a lunch break that is about 15 mins. long.
Work has been getting better! Things are starting to come together with the whole "Chase Way". I've been to several manager classes and it's making sense! You know the saying ... "When one door closes another one opens"? Well... that's how it is at my branch! In the last 2 weeks, one employee got a promotion through another branch (last day 8-29), one put in her notice because she has decided to go back to grad. school (last day 9-18), one put in his notice because he found a better job that's at a bank and it's paying more (last day 8-29), one of my tellers was promoted to a personal banker at my branch (last day as a teller is 8-29) and I lost another teller today. WOW! Lot's of changes all in a short amount of time. Oh, did I mention that my assistant manager starts her 2 week vacation this Saturday?!? You know what that means when you're a branch manager? It means that you are expected to work 6 days - Open to close = 60 hours. Oh yeah.. trust me.. I've done the math. So.. all in all.. I've got a few tough weeks ahead but I'm looking forward to all of the changes that are happening. My branch has been doing well, the team that I have left and the new employees that I have hired are all going to make it even better!
Nick and I attended a funeral last Saturday. That was draining to say the least. It was for someone that we didn't know that well but we both wanted to pay our respects to her and her family. The service was nice - there was a slideshow, family members and friends stood up and said something sad or funny about Cindy. Cindy was 53 yrs. old and lost her 2nd battle with cancer. My thoughts are with her family and friends.
On Sunday, I went stamping (yes, I have been sucked in!!) with Sue. She's part of a small group that gets together once a month. I made 4 cards and LOVED it! I had such a good time and can't wait until next month. I'm also going to join Sue at a scrapbooking thing this weekend. I've decided to start a scrapbook with pictures of Nick and I. Cute, huh?
So.... busy, busy, busy... Here are some pictures of things that we've done in the last week and a half..

Our friends Melissa and Mohamad came over for dinner last week and they brought this to drink . It's a cherry flavored syrup that you add to water. It was quite tasty! The funny thing was that I made Sue's corn chicken enchiladas for dinner and Mohamad doesn't like corn! He was a trooper and ate most of it.
Nick and I went over to their house this last Sunday and we played a game called Starship Munchkins.. or something close to that! It took Nick and I a couple of times to get the hang of it.. but it was sooo much fun!

Shelly Crocker in action. Yes, that is flour on my cheeks. Nick likes to call me a tornado when I'm in the kitchen. I like to call it.. a master baker at work. ;-) I was making zuchini bread. Joy, Sue's cousin gave me a 4 pound zuchini from her garden. Thanks Joy!

Does this look familar? I know.. I know.. =) This is the tart that was on the cover of Good Housekeeping magazine a month ago! I had SO much fun making this. I made the crust with graham crakers, honey and almonds. The filling is vanilla ice cream and raspberry sorbet! YUM. (I brought this over to Melissa and Mohamad's house for dessert).

Here's a shot that I got at Chris and Robert's wedding last night. Chris is Renee's cousin. They got married on the beach in Edmonds and then we headed up to Chris' parents house for hors d'oeuvres and cake! Congrats Chris and Robert!!!
Esmee has SOOO much energy! When I arrived to Tim and Renee's last night to get ready for the wedding (went straight from work) Esmee discovered my lower back tattoo! HAHA. She had some tats on her leg that she had colored with some markers.
Both of the girls have gotten several shots since they have been here. Willa was running a fever of 101 last night.. after the motrin kicked in she got her second wind.
Ethan rode with us to the wedding and to the reception. He looks like he's 8 years old! He's so much taller than his sisters. He's such a big brother. =)

Mo Mo. His fur is still so soft. =) He and Chester are getting along really well.

This is at Forrest and Cheryl's house last night after the wedding. Willa looked SO cute with the red headband, as did Esmee with a cute princess choker.

OMG!! Nick took this picture with his phone. This is how Gizmo was laying on the couch next to him. Still a kitten and loves to lay on the back of the couch like this.

Okay.. you've got to laugh at this a little... !!

Congrats Chris and Robert!! The wedding was SHORT and sweet. It started at 7 and Nick, Ethan and I were back in my car at 7:12 heading to Forrest and Cheryl's house! We're so happy for them.

I got goosebumps!! I love weddings. I can't wait for Tim and Lesley's wedding. November 14th. AND.. I'm in it. This is going to be the first wedding I've ever been in (except for my own - haha!).

Love birds right here and are still on our honeymoon!! Thanks Tim for letting me borrow your shades!