Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
6 month picture update!
I've probably said this a few times before but I'm finding myself saying it all the time.. so here you go again!
Kids really do grow fast! Before Maddy was born, everyone told us to enjoy the little moments because they grow so fast.. and it's so true. I didn't think that was the case during her first 3 months but now that 6 months has already gone by and on a weekly basis Maddy is picking up something new, discovering that she can do more, talking or babbling all of the time.. I remind myself each day to enjoy the little things because she'll be a year old before we know it.
Maddy is now in 9 month size clothes. Size 3 diapers (day and night). No teeth as of now but we've been telling ourselves that it's going to be any day now since she was about 4 months old. Her hair is starting to get longer or at least she's not totally bald. She's not crawling but rolling over to get to what she wants. She's sitting up on her own, for the most part.. but does fall over after a while. She's started walking around in a walker that we have at our house and put her in it while Nick and I are getting ready for work. She is now going backwards and forwards and has discovered that she can pull everything off of the lower part of the fridge! (Almost time to baby-proof the house). Speaking of baby-proofing.. we now have caged off our living room. There's a cage around the entertainment center and around our coffee table. The first time Maddy made it to the entertainment center her little tiny hands were in the VCR before we knew it!
Nick and I have also decided that we are going to exclusively breastfeed her until 1 year with some vitamin supplements (A,D,E and Iron). We've heard a lot of opinions of others or have seen the looks... "why?!?" but we've been told by our doctor and have read that breastmilk is best and is all she needs until she is 12 months old. It's going really well. So well that I'm able to still store up to an additional 30 oz. a week. We've heard that if we feed her cereal at night that she'll sleep better but.. she's sleeping from 8 pm until 5-7 am and not waking up during the night.
She had her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Joneses house! She went to sleep fine, which is what I was worried about since I've always nursed her to sleep. She woke up at 1:45, 3:45 and finally at 7 am.. she woke up a very happy baby! Next weekend she's going to spend the night with my mom and dad in Kingston. I'm hoping that goes well.
Enjoy the pictures!
Maddy will be 7 months old on July 7th!

We're still working on the sharing part of playing...
Bath time!
Nick working from home and Maddy finally giving in to a much needed nap.
Maddy was very determined to get some of it.

She loves his whiskers.
Jumparoo = Happy Maddy

We switched everything over a few weekends ago. She's now in infant car seats which means that when she's asleep in the car and it's time for us to get out.. we've got to take her out of her seat which wakes her up. She really does enjoy the BOB and all of the walks that we take.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
It's that time of year again... LCP, YO!!
It's been a few weeks since I last posted and a lot has happened.
I've been commuting down to Tukwila (45 minutes South when carpooling) for 2 weeks now and have 1 week left! The days have been VERY long and I am really looking forward to being in my NFC (Neighborhood Financial Center) starting June 21st. Everyday I am reminded why it was time for me to move on and accept the job with BECU. I just love what the credit union represents, how business is down and the overall values. People helping people is truly how it is.
Nick is recovering from pneumonia. EEK! It all happened so fast. He started feeling under the weather last Thursday and by Saturday morning was running a fever of 102.5. He slept ALL day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. His fever never fell below 101 for 4 days and by Tuesday morning he knew something wasn't right and had to see a doctor. Sure enough.. pneumonia. I kept Maddy away from Nick all weekend and his dad ended up watching her on Monday, thank goodness! He's on antibiotics and is doing better now. Still has a pretty bad cough and is out of breath easily. Maddy and I spent the last 2 nights at my in-laws house to keep our distance just in case Nick was still contagious. It's been a rough week and it hasn't been easy but it's getting better!!!
Maddy has found her voice and is trying to talk all of the time. She's now reaching up when she thinks we're going to pick her up and reaching out for anything and everything she can get her little hands on, including cups full of liquids! She's rolling over all of the time, and is now rolling or scooting to get to what she wants.
As far as sleeping, she's sleeping from 8 pm until about 4 am, sometimes she'll sleep until 5:30 but that's about the longest she's slept. It takes about 10 minutes to feed her and then she's back asleep. We've really gone back and forth about letting her "cry it out" and we've decided that it takes less time to feed her than it would for us to listen to her cry. Did I mention that she's just as stubborn as I am? So when she's upset, she'll cry for a good 30-45 minutes.
She's rolling all over in her crib and we find her in crazy positions in the morning. Mostly she sleeps in her side or on her tummy.
Teeth? Not yet! I keep thinking they are going to show up anytime now, but we're still waiting for them to!
Maddy is 6 months old now and is SO much fun! She's really easy going, loves to hang out and lets us know when she's either tired or hungry. Sometimes she'll get fussy when she wants attention or is just bored with what she's been doing.
Her 6 month check-up is on Monday and we'll know how long she is and how much she weighs! We think she's about 19 pounds now.
We're going to switch her out of the infant car seat and into 3 in 1 soon and also let her sit up in the stroller (instead of being in her car seat).
So many changes, so fast!
It really is true.... they grow up so fast!
Enjoy all of the pictures!

Lovin' on Shannon's strings.
I've been commuting down to Tukwila (45 minutes South when carpooling) for 2 weeks now and have 1 week left! The days have been VERY long and I am really looking forward to being in my NFC (Neighborhood Financial Center) starting June 21st. Everyday I am reminded why it was time for me to move on and accept the job with BECU. I just love what the credit union represents, how business is down and the overall values. People helping people is truly how it is.
Nick is recovering from pneumonia. EEK! It all happened so fast. He started feeling under the weather last Thursday and by Saturday morning was running a fever of 102.5. He slept ALL day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. His fever never fell below 101 for 4 days and by Tuesday morning he knew something wasn't right and had to see a doctor. Sure enough.. pneumonia. I kept Maddy away from Nick all weekend and his dad ended up watching her on Monday, thank goodness! He's on antibiotics and is doing better now. Still has a pretty bad cough and is out of breath easily. Maddy and I spent the last 2 nights at my in-laws house to keep our distance just in case Nick was still contagious. It's been a rough week and it hasn't been easy but it's getting better!!!
Maddy has found her voice and is trying to talk all of the time. She's now reaching up when she thinks we're going to pick her up and reaching out for anything and everything she can get her little hands on, including cups full of liquids! She's rolling over all of the time, and is now rolling or scooting to get to what she wants.
As far as sleeping, she's sleeping from 8 pm until about 4 am, sometimes she'll sleep until 5:30 but that's about the longest she's slept. It takes about 10 minutes to feed her and then she's back asleep. We've really gone back and forth about letting her "cry it out" and we've decided that it takes less time to feed her than it would for us to listen to her cry. Did I mention that she's just as stubborn as I am? So when she's upset, she'll cry for a good 30-45 minutes.
She's rolling all over in her crib and we find her in crazy positions in the morning. Mostly she sleeps in her side or on her tummy.
Teeth? Not yet! I keep thinking they are going to show up anytime now, but we're still waiting for them to!
Maddy is 6 months old now and is SO much fun! She's really easy going, loves to hang out and lets us know when she's either tired or hungry. Sometimes she'll get fussy when she wants attention or is just bored with what she's been doing.
Her 6 month check-up is on Monday and we'll know how long she is and how much she weighs! We think she's about 19 pounds now.
We're going to switch her out of the infant car seat and into 3 in 1 soon and also let her sit up in the stroller (instead of being in her car seat).
So many changes, so fast!
It really is true.... they grow up so fast!
Enjoy all of the pictures!

We like to keep her bundled up when were up there! She has a blast watching all of the kids run around!

She doesn't sleep that well up there. =( She sleeps in a pack-n-play and when it rains, huge rain drops fall on the skylight above her pack-n-play which sounds like a loud drum. Needless to say, the rain ends up waking her up! But she sure is a HAPPY baby!!

Lovin' on Shannon's strings.
Sometimes the strings on a hoodie will entertain her for 30+ minutes.
We think her eyes are going to be blue! What do you think?
The moby wrap has come in really handy while were up there!

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Oh Maddy!
Well hello!
I know it's been about a month since I posted so I've posted a ton of pictures to make up for it, hopefully. =)
I won't bore you with a long post with the details of what's happened during the last month but I will tell you that everything is great! My new job is WONDERFUL and I won't be at my little, tiny branch until the end of June. Nick has been wonderful with all of his love and support through this big change!
Maddy is growing up so fast! We were warned this would happen but didn't think it would really go by this fast. The pictures will explain what she's done over the last month.

Even though I call her "Munchkin", she's still my little cupcake.
Our first airplane ride was down to see my older sister, Niki and her family on April 19th! We stayed for 4 or 5 nights and had such a great time. After I gave notice at Chase, I got the next 2 weeks off and took full advantage of them. Niki and her family had not had the chance to meet Madeleine yet!
The airplane ride down there and back? Just her and I? I'll save the story for another time. ;-)

She surprised us with a picnic lunch one day when we walked to the park.

Gizmo still looking for that perfect hiding spot.

Nick really missed the both of us but he really did enjoy the quiet time that he had and all of the sleep. =)
I think the cats enjoyed the quiet time too.

While we were down in CA, she slept with one arm out of the swaddle. A week later we tried it cold turkey without a swaddle and she slept through the night. She does wake up around 4 every morning but is back asleep within 15 minutes.
5 months later - she's sleeping without a swaddle AND rolling over on to her tummy by herself. On Mother's Day she rolled over both ways about 10 times each. It was that night that we tried it without the swaddle since I was worried about her not having her arms out.
She LOVES to suck on ice cubes in this little mesh holder. She will go through about 3 ice cubes before her hands are so cold that she can't take it anymore.
She wants to put everything in her mouth including dad's nose!
Our friend, Keri got Maddy to giggle a few weeks ago while we were camping and Nick and I have been trying ever since to get her to giggle.
We got her to giggle and it's awesome!!


It was freezing outside and Maddy was in her stroller nice and warm!

Like the cute outfit?
It was chilly outside and she didn't sleep well at all in the trailer (pack-n-play) but we're working on that. We're up here again this weekend and will be up here for Memorial Day weekend so I hope she gets use to sleeping in Woody!
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