Ah Mexico. I've been there a few times in my life but this trip was very special for a couple of reasons. One - it was Nick's first time there and Two - we got to go with 2 of our really good friends, Shannon and Ryan.
It was great being able to hangout and have a good time with such good friends.
I have SOOO many pictures that I want to share with you but have not had the time. Here are a few of my favorites from just the first 3 days of the week long trip. There will be more to follow later on this week, I promise. I've got a few days off. =)

The first beer of the trip. Mmmmm Pacifico. It's a great thing to enjoy on a hot day in December.
How funny is that? See the palm trees in the background?
This tree was in the lobby of the hotel that we stayed in.
Downtown before we got to the flea markets.
This was on the second day that we were there.
Between the hotel lobby and the pool we could spot several of them hanging around enjoying all of the heat. Did you know that they can swim?!?!
We were able to enjoy a few beautiful sunsets while we were down there.
The colors are just amazing.

The boys at one of the bars that we stopped at while downtown our first time enjoying a nice cold beer.

Just walking around enjoying being there.
We spend the 3rd day just hanging out by the pool. It was great. Ryan, Nick and Shannon participated in some awesome tequilla volleyball.
I think they lost both rounds which meant some shots of tequilla.
GUERRERO street.
Just kidding.. there was a few of them around. This one was located in the heart of downtown.
They had a chocolate cherry frap. = goodness.
There's going to be another post about this church later on.
It's natural. ;-) The weather and being in and out of the pool causes this to happen.
This is how curly my hair was when I was little.
Sorry there are not more pictures posted. It's late..
More will be posted later this week.
Thanks for stopping by to check it out!
I love the curls and the Guerrero. ;)