Saturday, May 29, 2010

11 weeks!

Nick recently had to go to Boston on Business for one (what seemed to be very long) week. He got back late Monday night and has been trying to catch up on sleep since his return. Working 14-16 hours a day over there, each day definitely caught up to him.

He brought back this very cute onsie that could be for a girl or a boy. Way to play it safe, Nick!

We're now 11 weeks along. Every Saturday I wake Nick up and read him a little something from one of my 3 pregnancy books that I am reading and let him know what's happening with our little one during the up coming week.

I find this all very interesting and I know some of you have gone through this before.. but I'm going to enjoy sharing with you all the little changes or big changes that are happening during my pregnancy!

This week: He or she is now officially described as a fetus. From now until 20 weeks he or she will increase in weight 30-fold and will about triple in length! By the end of this week - a tiny tissue bud will have developed (external genitalia) for either a boy or a girl!

I'm feeling pretty good most of the time. I am just tired all of the time (I took a 3 hour nap yesterday and still was able to quickly fall asleep by 9:30). Food is still hit and miss for me as well as the morning sickness. I have my good days and bad days!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nick and I have some wonderful news to share...!!

We're expecting!!!

We found out that I was pregnant on April 10th. I had worked 6 days that week and was falling asleep by 8:30 every night (even on the couch!). After I took the test (on Saturday) I walked out the bathroom to do something else and Nick asked me how long it would take to get the results. I said about 3-5 minutes. He was in the middle of a sentence.. not even 2 minutes after taking the test and he took a double take at the test, his eyes got really big, he showed me the test and his eyes started to water! We're pregnant!!!

I am now in my 10th week and everything is going well. Nick is currently in Boston and my awesome sister-in-law was able to go to my last appointment with me. (Nick and I have seen the doctor every 2 weeks since the confirmation appointment) During this last appointment we saw the baby kick! The heartbeat is strong and the baby is healthy. =)

How have I been feeling? Tired, thirsty, sick to my stomach most of the day, picky about all kinds of foods I eat, sore in some places ;-) and I've been told that I'm glowing!

Boy or Girl? We will find out what we are having around August (if the baby lets us!). We're planning on sharing with everyone what we are having.

Names? Well.... we have a few boy and girl names picked out but we've decided that we are not going to share with anyone until after the baby is born. Yes, that includes the grandparents!

Here are some of the pictures we've been saving since we found out!