During the last week or so - She's discovered her tongue and her hands. She's not opening her hands yet but is throwing them all of over the place and likes to hit/touch the toys hanging from her jungle floor mat. She also had some long stretches of sleep during the last week which was nice. The only problem is that I don't sleep very well because I wake up about every half hour wondering if she's okay or that I need to feed her or pump soon because it's uncomfortable. She slept one night for 4 1/2 hours and another for 5 1/2. On the other nights she was up every 3 hours on the dot. You win some and lose some, right?
We have a 2 month check-up with the doctor on Wednesday. I asked Nick to go with me since Madeleine has to get 4 shots. I'm not looking forward to the shots but I am looking forward to finding out all of her stats and having a chance to ask the doctor some of our questions. One question I have for him is.. I'm drinking 1 decaf coffee a day, can that cause her to be fussy? Is there small portion of chocolate that I can have and not cause her to be fussy? Is EVERYTHING normal? I'm joking about that last question but that has become an inside joke between Nick, my friend Shannon and I. When talking to any parent about things that are going on with Madeleine their response is "that's normal".
I'm returning to work 3 weeks from tomorrow and I find myself torn between being happy about it and being sad that I won't be able to spend the whole day with her. One thing that I love about being able to spend the whole day with her is watching her discovering new things each day or crack a few more smiles at me. I'm not going to miss all of her fussy times but I've heard that will soon go away.. which is normal. ;-)

She doesn't cry during bath time anymore! Maybe it's because I'm singing all sorts of crazy, made-up songs to her in a funny voice?
She's sticking her tongue out at me because I'm such a cheese ball.

Aren't those socks awesome?!?

Nick finally got pooped on!! Actually he got pooped on a couple of times during this diaper change. He was putting butt paste on her and I guess she wasn't done with her business. I've learned you can't rush that and it's normal for a baby to take up to 15 minutes to be done with their business. ;-)

Lesley, Julia, Maddy and I went to a baby shower on Saturday. Both Lesley and Julia were amazed at how much Maddy has grown just in the last couple of weeks!
He came over just at the right time! Maddy was in the middle of a meltdown when he showed up. He quickly got her to calm down and to sleep.
Recently a friend said he hasn't seen any love for our cats on my blog. It's been all about Maddy. ;-) Here you go Ryan!
Chester was a little jealous that Gizmo had discovered his hiding spot.
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