I spy Chester.
So March 1st was my first day back to work and it was nice! I didn't cry once.
The funny thing is... what are the odds of our daycare plans falling through?!? Maybe 1 in a million? Our sister-in-law is watching Madeleine on Tuesdays for now (until the summer time and then she'll watch her on Mondays) and our nephew came down with the stomach flu. We didn't want to take any chances with Madeleine catching anything so Nick stayed home with her and off to work I went!
Here's our daycare situation in a nutshell:
Monday: Nick works from home.
Tuesday: At Aunt Renee's house (with Ethan, Esmee and Willa - her cousins)
Wednesday: I'm off and at home with her!
Thursday & Fridays: At Grandma Sue's house
Saturday: I work until 1pm and Madeleine gets to spend the morning with dad!
Sunday: Family day. =)
Overall my first week back to work was nice. I missed it. There's a lot of work to be done and it's not going to be easy but I know I can pull it off. I was gone for a total of 4 1/2 months. My manager was at my branch all day on Thursday and I thought I would be really stressed after that but I wasn't. I didn't like showing up to work on Tuesday morning and finding out that we had a "call night" from 6pm until 7:30pm on Wednesday that I had to be there for.. but I was happy that I could make it back home in time for Madeleine's bedtime.
Enough about work...
Madeleine amazes Nick and I every day. She's interacting with us now, smiling most of the time and her motor skills are developing. Our bedtime routine is going well. Right before 8 pm we change her into her PJ's, swaddle her at 8, read her a little book and then I nurse her for maybe about 15 minutes and then she's down for the night. During the last week, she's slept until about 1 or 2 and then I nurse her for 10 minutes and then she's back down for another 3 hours. The worst part about this is that 2nd feeding usually ends up being around 4 am and I wake up for work at 5:30. Sometimes I have a hard time falling back asleep.. but I'm finding that I'm so tired I usually fall asleep within 15 minutes.
We've been giving Madeleine gripe water to help with her fussiness. We've found that this helps keep her "regular" or at least makes it easier for her to poop.
Most of all... what's helped me the most this last week is being prepared for the next day. I make my lunch, iron my clothes, pick out Maddy's outfit, pack the diaper bag, prepare my breakfast and pack the bottles I'll need at work (pumping).
Pumping at work hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. My little sister, Ashley told me to use the Medela quick wipes to save time and so that I don't have to wash the attachments in the break room. I have to pump 3 times each day and once on Saturdays. Each time takes about 15 minutes, start to finish. I have to say .. it's really nice having to take a break every 3 hours.
Hope you enjoy the pictures from this week!

Purse, water bottle, lunch and pump.
It's a lot to tote around each day.

Lots of hugs and kisses before I leave for work everyday.
Madeleine wasn't too concerned about me leaving that day.

Looks like I'm more awake than Madeleine. She's still in her PJ's.

Nick's mom has kept a lot of his clothes that he wore when he was a baby.
Here she's
sportin' Nick's 1979 Seattle Supersonics jump-suit. Classy, huh?

This is what Nick and I wake up to every morning. We actually like going into her room together to wake her up so that we can see all of the smiles she has for us!
What's the non-slip shelf-cover doing underneath her?? There is a wedge underneath the sheet and because she's such a wiggle-worm.. she moves herself halfway down the crib and then wakes up! We took the wedge out tonight before we put her down... we'll see if she likes it without the wedge... !!

Mr. Doggy!!
I actually had to wash him today because she's been covering him in slobber each time she gets her tiny hands on him! We bought her an elephant today that makes the same crinkle sound because she loves Mr. Doggy so much!! Let's just hope that she can share the love...

Such a little ham.
She makes me smile every time she smiles. I love it!!

Tummy time!!
This was the first time I laid her down on her tummy and she didn't cry. She only lasted about 4 minutes.. but I'll take anything at this point.
My little Munchkin is growing so fast!!