Now that Madeleine is a little over 4 months old we think that she may be starting her first of many teething stages! Eek. We're trying a few different things with her at this point including ice cubes in a little mesh holder and this teething ring. She's also taken to the pacifier again which she had given them up for about 2 months. I guess this is a perfect example of .. once you get use to something or think you have some sort of routine down.. it all changes!

Madeleine is really growing and it feels like she is changing or picking up on something new every day! Today she discovered my nose and likes to grab it now. She's still giving us kisses with her mouth open but we're working on that.

This picture was taken after spending some time with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Mike. She was all tuckered out.

On Wednesday the 13
th, Madeleine had her 4 month well-baby check up! She got 2 different shots and took them like a champ. Her face did turn bright red after the second one but she calmed down pretty quickly. I find that it really helps to nurse her after the shots to calm her down. She now weighs 16 pounds, 8 ounces (95
th percentile) and she is 25 inches long (90
th percentile). I didn't have much to talk to the doctor about since everything is great. She's sleeping really well and we're having fun with her. I did talk to the doctor about breastfeeding her until at least 6 months and asked when we should introduce solids. He said that we could breastfeed
exclusively until a year with some vitamin
supplements. We're going to continue breastfeeding her until 6 months and take it from there. All in all, Madeleine is happy and healthy!

Madeleine and Nick after
bath time!

Bedtime already?!?

A wonderful visit from Grandma Ronnie and Grandpa Bruce! Sue (Nicks' mom) had foot surgery this last week so Bruce and Ronnie babysat her on Friday! It was a wonderful visit.

Oh yes. She's managed to fit her whole fist into her mouth recently. She's constantly putting her hands in her mouth or anything else she can get her little hands on.

I LOVE this picture.
Aunt Julia made this hat for her and YES, it's Husky colors!!
Thanks Aunt Julia. It's perfect.

Madmad about to give her kisses!

Going for Aunt Julia's nose.

I spy Chester.
So... I also have some big news to share. I'm no longer a manger at Chase Bank! It all happened very fast and 3 weeks ago I wasn't even looking for a different job. I'm now a manager for BECU!!! The location of my new branch is perfect! It's about 15 minutes away from our camping lot that we spend most of our weekends at during the summer. I had been with Washington Mutual / Chase Bank for 13 years and it was very hard to say good bye to the branch and staff that I care a lot about. Like I've always said.. there's been blood, sweat and tears at that branch since I took it on as manager 3 years ago. Here's to changes and something new! I'm very excited about my new job and the challenges that are going to come my way.
So happy about your new job! I hope it won't be so stressful for you. And such cute pictures of Maddy!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Julia MADE the hat. It's so cute! Nice work Julia.
ReplyDeleteLoved getting some time to hang out with Madeleine. She's so great! Love you and her. Miss you two.