Nick went up to Anchorage AK. for a weekend. He left on Thursday night and came back on Monday night. His buddy from college lives up there with his wife and daughter. Here are a few of the shots that Nick got while he was there.

Believe it or not.. this moose is one of many that live in Mike's backyard. Nick took this shot from the sliding glass door on the lower level. Pretty cool, huh? We'll call this moose Gus.
The boys took a boat out on the upper Kenai River.

She was a good sport about wearing this crown when we were wine tasting!
So.. 13 of us girls got together for a fun-filled day in Sunvale .. JK.. Sunnyside, WA. It's about 3 hours away from Seattle. I can't remember the name of the hotel that we stayed in but if you need a nice place to stay I would recommend it. ;-)

This is the "party bus" that we took around town. We had rented it for 6 hours and used it for every minute!
I took this shot at the first winery that we went to. The people there were not that nice. Maybe it had something to do with 13 of us walking in without an appointment? Funny, I don't remember the name of this place.
Lesley and Lisa. Kelly is in the background.
Starting at the top: Lisa, Anna, Sheri, Kelly, Nicole, Julia, Lesley, Lorrie, Neli, Sheena, Devry and Melissa.
Neli and Kelly.
Funny story. Lisa and Julia ordered these things called "wine wipes" as a little party favor for all of us girls. Julia thought it would be funny to tell us that they were orange flavored. They really do work but I think it's because they taste more like baking soda. =)

I still have mine if you would like to try one out.
All of us girls at the end of our bus ride. We all had a great time!
There's a funny story about this picture. On our way back to the hotel Sheena asked the driver to take us to Wal-Mart. We each had a limit of $5 to spend and we needed to buy something for Lesley on her wedding night or what we thought she would need. We all had some really good laughs from Wal-Mart including Melissa almost getting beat up for asking a guy to help her to get a tinker bell pinata down. His wife almost beat Melissa up because he didn't work there!

Lesley ended up with chocolates, a pregnancy test and so much more!! She got to pick her favorite and I was second runner up with the bubble bath, beer and skittles. Anna took the prize with Lesley's favorite.. green olives and some scope to freshen her breath up.
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