Here's my first belly shot!
This picture was taken last Saturday (18 weeks) before Nick and I left for our camping trip to the Eldorado Forest

I am happy to report that I have not gotten sick for the last week! I'm hoping that I'm past it now.
Here's what's happening with the baby this week: The baby can hear now!!! It's also 5 1/4 - 6 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Between now and when the baby is born it's going to increase it's weight by 15 times.
This last week Nick and I were camping with my sister and her family in the Eldorado Forest just outside of Sacramento, CA. While we were hanging out by the lake I felt the baby move! It took me a second to realize what it was but when I did it brought a smile to my face.
A few weeks ago Nick bought me a pregnancy pillow and I love it! I've been sleeping really well since I got it. Thanks babe!
Cravings? I've been on a fruit and veggie kick for about a week and a half. Nectarines are always my favorite fruit. Oh! We had ruben sandwiches while we were camping. I've never liked sauerkraut or rye bread in my life and now the flavors are amazing!
Our next appointment is this coming Tuesday afternoon and we will either find out what the sex of the baby is on Tuesday or Wednesday. We're so excited to share the news with everyone.
I'll post another update after our ultrasound. =)

Here's a picture of Nick and I headed down to California. We spent the night in our 5th wheel "Woody" in a Wal-Mart parking lot. There were other rv's in the lot and most of them had left when we were ready to hit the road.
Where did we get the name Woody? Well... during our trip down there Woody had 2 tires blow out (at different times). The second tire to blow out was just outside of Woodland, CA - about a half hour away from my sisters house. Since we had already used the one spare tire for the first blow out, we were very lucky to have my brother-in-law, Walt come and rescue us!! He took us to a tire shop just a few miles down the freeway (oh and it was 103* when this all happened) and we had the two tires fixed. Nick and Walt went back to Woody and brought him in to get all 5 tires replaced.
5 new tires and a few hours later we were safe at Ice House Reservoir.
I'll post pictures of our camping trip soon. =)