The weekend of the 14th - Nick and I headed over to my parents house for some much needed "guy time". Nick has been talking about getting his motorcycle endorsement for well over a year and at the end of July he took a weekend long course that allowed him to go the the DMV with his 100% written score and his 99% riding score and get his endorsement!!
Needless to say.. I'm not sure who was more "giddy" about the endorsement.. Nick or my dad. If you ask me - I would say it was my dad!

My dad has named both of his bikes. Nick is on "Reba" or since this ride Nick has re-named her to "Numb-Ass" and my dad is on his one and only "Black Beauty". Only he is allowed to ride her.

Ahhh.. Black Beauty.
100% Custom.
I'm in Sacramento right now for the week staying with my big sister Niki and her family. Today was the kids first day of school and was quite exciting! On Wednesday, Niki and I are going to San Francisco for the day and I'm really looking forward to it. =) I will post pictures of that adventure later this week.
I'm currently 23.2 days along (yes, I mis-posted how far along I was during the last post - Sorry!!) - Everything is going well; she should weigh about 1.1 to 1.5 pounds now and is the size of a small baby doll.
She can hear loud noises now and the inner parts of her ears will be developed by the end of this week which means that she has a good sense of up and down.
Something I learned today is that she most likely sleeps the most during the day when I am moving around and is mostly active during the night when I am laying down. The rocking or moving around during the day causes her to sleep. Interesting.
At this point I've started to read books about what to expect after she is born and what to be prepared for. I thought I knew a lot but it turns out that I'm learning new things all the time about babies, the birth and all of that good stuff.
My next doctor's appointment is on Monday and I'll have more of an update for you after that! I told Nick today that I feel bigger than I was last week and we think I might be at that point in the pregnancy that I'm growing more and more each week or at least it feels that way!
Oh.. No more morning sickness or at least not during the last week! YAY.
Swollen feet.. oh yes and getting bigger. Nick and I went shoe shopping last week and I almost had a pregnancy breakdown. I ended up being able to fit my feet in the 5th pair of shoes I tried on (these are for work) and they are ugly! It's the best I can do at this point and Nick is really good about reminding me that this is only temporary. I might post a picture of them someday.. once I get use to wearing them. ;-)
we want to see your shoe picture! Haha, I really like the Black Beauty pic and want a copy of it!