Meet GIZMO! He's 2 months and 2 weeks old. We adopted him from PAWS last Thursday and it's been entertaining to say the least! PAWS is also where we adopted Chester from 2 years ago. Gizmo is neutered and has all of his shots. It's been interesting to see Chester adjust to having Gizmo around. The first day was not fun at all. He was pissed! We've very slowly introduced them and it's working out well. Chester still has his moments and doesn't really know how to play "nice" with Gizmo yet.. but each day that goes by they are getting better. Just today, Gizmo was chasing Chester around the house! It's funny to see Gizmo arch his back and side-step towards Chester! Gizmo is all of 3.1 pounds right now.

Yes, his eyes are really blue, his nose is light pink and his teeth are tiny! After looking at pictures of Siamese cats, we figure that he has some in him. His nose is long and his eyes are close together.

Behind that door is where Chester's food (and mice), water and litter box is. It's funny because in the short amount of time that we have had Gizmo, he TEARS through the kitchen to go back there and check it out. We are trying to keep him out of there for now so that Chester feels like he still has his "safe area".

This is Nick and I at the lot (LCP YO) on Saturday night. We were celebrating Luke's 31st birthday. The theme was luau, the food and company were great. Nick and I left at about 10:30 that night since we needed to get up at 6:30 the next morning to go out to breakfast with Nick's family.

4 generations. From the left: Nick, Chris, Chub, Tim, Mike and Ethan. Chris and his wife Dayna (who you can see in the far right of the picture) came out for the weekend from Georgia. Chris is Mike's younger brother by 9 years. It was my first time meeting both of them and it was great to get to spend some time with them. Even though it was a short trip, Nick and I joined them for dinner at Sue and Mike's house on Thursday and then again for breakfast on Saturday. Chub was in a good mood too. I always enjoy talking to him about greenbeans. As silly as it sounds, he hates them and won't touch them.

MMMM... beer. So after breakfast on Sunday, Nick and I took a nice drive up to Camano Island where Brian and Amanda live. (They have 2.5 yr old Natalie and 5 month old Ashley). Nick and Brian went to the same fraternity at U of W. Brian and Nick have been brewing beer for a few years now and I think they have it down to a science. Well, not really after all the drinking they do. You know, quality control and all. The whole process takes about 4 hours.

John and Annie (John went to the same fraternity) came up as well. The boys drank beer and talked about the good ol' days while us girls hung out and chatted about a little bit of everything. Natalie even sang us the UW fight song!! Yes, she knows all of the words. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

I hadn't seen this sign before. I think it's great. John had the honor of naming the beer this round. John being a very pirate fan, he went with Captain Cloudy. It's an American wheat brew. We'll get to try it out in a few weeks! Just in time for another hot spring/summer day.

This is Chester about to give Gizmo a love pat. Just kidding. They've been playing tag the last couple of days... or at least Chester wants to play. He'll run up to Gizmo.. swat at him and then run but looks to see if Gizmo is chasing him. And then they switch and Gizmo swats and runs. It's really cute to watch. I've had a hard time watching tv or reading just because I could watch them play/talk/chase for hours. It was funny to see Chester pass out tonight around 8. He's beat and Gizmo takes a 5 min. nap and is all charged up again. haha.. Gotta love kittens.
I am so glad you started this blog because it lets me see how busy you are and how much fun you have!