Newberry National Volcanic Monument Oregon State Park.
Okay, so you might laugh a little bit when reading or looking at this blog. The pictures below are from 1 day of our 5 day camping trip. I know, I know. I just can't help myself with the digital camera. It's just too easy to take pictures. Below are some of my favorites from the trip. Don't worry, there's more to come. I just thought I would share a few at a time.
So I'm not sure if I have said it before but for the last 4 years I've gone camping with my sister and her family. The 1st trip, it was just my sister, her kids and myself. Since then it's been the Thiel family, Nick and I. This year was a little different from the rest. Not only did Nick and I bring our 5th wheel (that my sister LOVED and wanted to sleep in it every night) my parents also joined us. Instead of camping in CA like we always have - We went with OR. - In the middle ground. We all love to swim and usally are in the water most of the time when camping (Walt loves to go fishing on the lake) this time we were only able to go swimming 1 day. The water was freezing!! It was fun though because we left camp everyday to get out and explore what the park had to offer.
Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes!!!
Oh my goodness!! I have never had as many mosquito bites as I do now. From the moment we woke up to the moment we went to bed, if we were not in the direct sunlight we were being eaten alive by all of the mosquitoes. I think we went through 3 containers of bug spray plus a few of the small 100% deet sprays. I hate deet with a passion and by the end of the trip, I had it on daily. I'm not joking!

So the first night that we camped there, it was freezing! The water bowl for the dogs actually was frozen. We could see our breath! No one really slept well the first night. =/ This is Carley waiting very patiently for her hot chocolate.

We're so glad that Niki had looked into and planned these little trips for us during our stay. This was on of them. At first I didn't want to go, but afterwards I was so happy that I had gone. It was a sight that I will never forget.

Blue Steel, baby!
Isn't that just crazy looking and to think that it was once hot lava?!?
At the bottom of the trail. This is about the time that my mom threw up a little when she saw what true love birds Nick and I are. =)
Crabby Patties all day long. Carley and Josh are REALLY into Sponge Bob Square Pants right now, so most everything refered to Sponge Bob during the trip. Carley and Josh would have had "crabby patties" aka hamburgers everynight if we had let them. Too cute!

While we were gone, Mike and Sue took care of our kitty cats for us! Mike thought it would be funny to teach Chester how to give Gizmo a left hook. He picked up on it pretty fast. It's all he does now! just kidding!!

While we were gone, Mike and Sue took care of our kitty cats for us! Mike thought it would be funny to teach Chester how to give Gizmo a left hook. He picked up on it pretty fast. It's all he does now! just kidding!!
The cats were VERY happy for us to be back home. Fortunately, they didn't cause any trouble while we were gone.
Did you know pumice was lava foam? I read that somewhere.