Here are the last of the pictures from our awesome trip to Oregon. It was a trip that we won't ever forget and are still itching our misquito bites as well as have a scar or two from the battle wounds of the attack of the misquitos. I honestly can say that I have not been camping to another place that has so many darn misquitos. What's scary is we heard the camp host telling someone that they were twice as bad the week before we got there! Hard to imagine.

Josh is growing up so fast! Every year that we get to spend camping with the Thiel family, there's always something new that Josh is up to or another game that he has learned and teaches me. This year the board game that was a big hit was.. PICTUREKA! It's a little like Where's Waldo but with so many more pictures or things to find. What's cool about it, is that there are 9 different squares to the board and you get to flip, rotate or swap the pieces during the game.

There's nothing like a ride on the back of Grampy's Harley. If I had to guess, I would say that this was one of the highlights of the whole trip for Josh.

Squirrel?!? Squirrel??! Oh Buddy. He was such a good dog during the trip. He did have to stay tied up the whole time, while Smokey got to roam around off the leash. Granted, Smokey won't go more than 5 feet away from Niki's side. haha! Both dogs had a great time on the trip!

I really like this picture! I braided Niki and Carley's hair the same this day. They both looked so cute with it braided. This picture was taken at the top lookout at of Paulina Falls. It wasn't a long hike and yes, there were misquites there too. We were at the falls for a little over an hour. It was just gorgeous.

I remember reading something about the big boulders and how the running water is causing more and more boulders to fall.. but that's about it. I know my sister read more about it!

Freakin' cutie pie. Even though it's a bit of a fake smile, she's still cute as hell!

Funny story about this picture. My mom was about to take this picture and I caught Nick looking at my cleavage! My mom managed to catch the look that I gave Nick when I caught him. Silly boys!

What you can't see in this picture is that my dad is flexing his guns for the camera. HA! Okay, so he's wearing a tank top on this day too. I guess that means that he packed 2 for the whole trip. As soon as we got back to camp, he put on his long sleeve black HD shirt. Oh!! and he refused to wear sun screen when wearing a tank top. He said it would atract the misquitoes. I think he was right about that. That's part of the reason I ended up putting on 100% deet. Yuck!

The rocks are huge. They really don't look as big as they really are in this picture. I should have gotten one when Josh climbed down on the rocks at the bottom of the picture. That would have been an "I spy" picture.

During the trip, I think she wore a skirt every day. How cute is she! It was great to spend all of this time with the kids and see how much they enjoy doing all of these activites in the great outdoors. It comes from Niki and Walt always taking them to do cool stuff! I hope Nick and I follow in their footsteps! Carley hiked back up to the top all by herself! Okay, so Niki kinda tricked her a little, but it was awesome to see Carley shocked when she got to the top and realized that she did it all by herself!

This was taken when Josh had climbed down on the rocks.

Gosh, what lovebirds! =)

Walt taking a moment to soak it all in. Funny, he didn't wear shorts the whole time we were there. I don't know how he did it. Must be because he's from California.

Carley = CHOCOHOLIC. Ask her. She'll tell you that she really is. I swear, I would not be surprized if she ended up working at Hershey's Chocolate Factory!! This picture was taken while she was enjoying some chocolate for an afternoon treat. This didn't include the chocolate that she had with her smores every night.

haha!! Look at Carley! She has it all over her. They are so cute.

Chester was trying to lick Gizmo after getting down with the catnip filled banana. The banana is Chester's favorite. Can you see how stained it is? It's because Chester will lick that banana until it's soaking.

Isn't it funny how the cats have the whole house to find a place to lay down and sleep, but it never fails.. if I have some clean laundry that's folded just waiting to be put away.. one of the cats will lay down on it and take a cat nap. Oh Gizmo!
Oh the memories! It brings a huge smile to my face. I laughed at the picture of Nick looking at your boobs!! hhaaahhaha And love the one of Niki and Walt. Actually I love them all. And I too had a great time.