Okay, I know it's been about 3 weeks (who's counting..?) since I've posted an update.
Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve.
The Jones family has a tradition and it is:
We all get together for breakfast at a restaurant around 8:30. After breakfast we head downtown to Westlake to meet up with Santa at Macy's for a photo opp.
Last year we were able to make reservations but this year we had to wait in line for a little over an hour. During the wait for Santa, Mike and Sue have taken Ethan to the Merry-Go-Round but this year Ethan and his sisters got to enjoy the ride!
After the pictures are taken with Santa we all get about an hour or so to do some shopping.
After all of the hanging out downtown we head back up to either Mike and Sue's house or Tim and Renee's for the ol' traditional cheese and chocolate fondue (dark chocolate.. yuk!).
Presents are next and that usually lasts a few hours.
Whoa. What a day! It's a long day but it's fun.

After breakfast and before heading downtown, we stopped off at a toy store in Wallingford called Archie McPhee's. The girls left with these wigs.

Each of the kids also got a cool backpack with their name on it and it was funny to watch Willa put each gift that she opened in hers after she opened it. This was taken when we were done opening all the gifts and we had finished our chocolate fondue.
What a cutie-pie.
This was Nick's coffee that I made for him on Christmas morning. I didn't try to do this or even know how I did it but took a moment to snap a picture.
This was a love note to them.

I told him it's because I make his coffee with love every morning. =) ahhh!

Chester and MoMo are doing well. They LOVE messing with eachother. They've been hiding from eachother around corners and trying to scare the other. It's so fun to watch them race to the top of this cat tree and play king of the castle.

Chester and MoMo are doing well. They LOVE messing with eachother. They've been hiding from eachother around corners and trying to scare the other. It's so fun to watch them race to the top of this cat tree and play king of the castle.
While I am putting this blog together - Chester is cuddling with Nick and the blanket that he has on his lap. Cute, huh?
It's about time girly! I'm glad to finally see the Santa picture I so much about.