Today Nick and I had another appointment with the doctor. I am currently 14.4 weeks (in doctor's terms). During the last visit my sister-in-law Renee and I were able to hear the blood flowing through the placenta, but today we were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time which sounds strong and healthy! Dr. Call also gave us a look at the little one using the ultrasound machine. We saw him or her moving around!! It was honestly one of the greatest moments we've had since finding out we were pregnant. The baby moved his or her head back and kicked out a leg at the same time. Even though I can't feel it yet, I should be able to within the next few weeks. We also got a good look at the head in profile and the spine. Everything looks great!
I am also down 1.5 pounds from our first appointmet back on April 21st. (I had lost 4 pounds during the first 6 weeks). I'm hoping to only gain 20-25 pounds during the pregnancy.. but we'll see.
I'm starting to get a little more energy back and am able to stay up past 8:30. I'm still getting sick every morning which I am very lucky to have Nick around to rub my back. Last week I said that I need to start waking up 15 minutes earlier because I'm running late everyday!
The craving this week has been: corn on the cob!!
We had corn on the cob and bbq chicken last night and tonight we had bbq pork ribs, corn on the cob and pea salad! Yum. I'm also having peanut butter and eggos for breakfast (switching to whole wheat toast tomorrow). It stays with me all morning and is a great way to start my day.
Ashley and Jordyn flew into Seattle on Saturday. Ashley and Russell are on a cruise in Alaska this week while Jordyn is staying with Grandma Veronica and Grandpa Bruce. My mom and I picked up Ashley and Jordyn at the airport and were able to spend the day together before Jordyn went home with Grammy while Nick, Ashley and I took off to the M's game. It was a very long day but well worth it!!!

Lunch at the Crab Pot on the waterfront.
So what's with all the pink, missy? Are you leaning toward girl???
ReplyDeleteYeah, did you get some more info at the docs office? ;-)