I am happy to report that I haven't gotten sick the past two mornings!! Yippee. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I've turned the corner in the 2nd trimester. I've also been able to make Nick his favorite drink the last 2 mornings (quad tall non-fat hazelnut latte). The poor guy.. I haven't made him one for the last month.
What's currently happening with the baby? It's 4 - 4.5 inches, weighs about 1 3/4 ounces and it's close to the size of a softball.
Fine hair called lanugo hair is now covering the baby's body. The baby also is able to suck its thumb now and by the end of this week may even start making a fist with it's hands!
Last night I was in bed by 8:15 and sound alseep by 8:30. haha! Will I ever feel like I am caught up on my sleep?
My belly is hard and I feel like I am showing more and more each day. Today I think I felt the baby moving around!! In all the books I'm reading, they say that within the next 2 weeks I should start to feel the baby moving. I'm not sure what I should be feeling. I've heard that it is either going to feel like gas or "fluttering".
Craving this week? Fruit. I've had about 10 peaches this week, 5 bananas, lots of grapes, a few oranges.. and um.. that's all I can think of now. ;-) It's about all that sounds good when I want a snack.

Above is the scan of our ultrasound that was done on May 20th. This was the first time that we saw the baby moving around!
Pretty amazing, huh? I think he or she has my nose and Nick's eyes.

Remember... we find out what we are having on July 28th!
This is sooooo exciting!!! I hope your still able to hold down breakfast and make Nick his moring drink.