Julia, Me, Lesley and Anna.
When Nick and I started dating we were all roommates! It's great to have such wonderful friends in my life.

From L-R: Anna, Devry, Chelsea, Kelly, Julia, Nicole, Lesley, Neli, Lorrie, Kim and I.
I have known most of these girls for almost 10 years! I can see all of us going to Vegas when we're in our 60's.

Cupcakes were the on going theme at both showers.

She's 19 months old.
Both showers were amazing. I really enjoyed seeing all of my friends and family and Nick and I are very happy to be sharing this part of our lives with everyone. There is so much love and support from everyone.
Lesley and Julia were our bridesmaids in our wedding and almost 2 years later.. here we are expecting our first little one.
Veronica is currently staying in Colorada with Jordyn since my youngest sister Ashley is in Afghanistan and my brother-in-law Russell is out of the state going to school until February. She flew out here on Friday night and is heading back on Tuesday. It was very special and meant a lot to me that she and Jordyn were able to make it to my shower! Seeing Jordyn made me miss Ashley even more!
I haven't hit the full blown "nesting" phase but I'm sure it's just around the corner. I'm taking a couple of days off later this week to sort through all of the wonderful gifts and get the nursery back in order. One of my favorite parts of that is washing all of her clothes with Dreft. The smell always makes me smile.
Update on Gestational Diabetes: Nick and I saw Dr. Call on Wednesday and he decided to put me on the lowest dose of Metformin to help control my morning test or my fasting levels. It's 500 mg and I have to take it at 9:00 everynight. I was scared that I would have to inject insulin but it's just a pill, so I'm very happy about that. He measured her head and it was 8.67 cm across. I just keep thinking to myself 10 cm is fully dialated.. so um.. yeah.. the Metformin should help control my glucose levels which if they are too high they cause her to grow much faster than she should be. With controled levels, we should see her growth slow back down to "normal".
I'm still doing very well with my diet and keeping my levels where they need to be. If you are wondering if I had a cupcake at either one of my showers, I did not. From showers to eating at restaurants with friends during this last week, I have been able to do just fine. One of the harder things that I have come across was going to Red Robin. I had a salad with chicken and my friend Neli had a mushroom burger.
I had lost 2 pounds between visits with Dr. call so I'm down to a total weight gain of 8.5 pounds. Not bad! ;-)
Because of the Gestational Diabetes, I am at a much higher risk to have a c-section. Nick and I grilled Dr. Call on Wednesday with all of our questions and it's really too soon to tell. We have to watch her growth very closely but there is still a chance that I can deliver her. Around 38 weeks we will have another ultrasound at the hospital to get an estimate of her weight and size. After we get the results of that, Nick and I will consult with Dr. Call and come up with a plan to deliver by c-section or naturally. Either way Nick and I just want her to be safe and healthy.
I see Dr. Call again on Wednesday. I'll post another update after that.
Wish I could've been at your shower. And hate to break it to you... but full-term babies' heads are NOT 10cm. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see you at breakfast and I'm so proud of you for staying away from carbs, including that giant cinnamon roll! You look so happy and healthy and I can't wait to see your baby girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that Sue was accommadating to me to change the baby shower time so I could make it! There was so much love there for you you could cut it with a knife!