Fall is my favorite season of the year!
We have had so much fun this October with friends and family.
Here's a snapshot:

What else can you do with a belly the size of a pumpkin?!?
My sister-in-law Renee painted my belly in the pumpkin patch. Yes, it was very cold out that day but thank goodness it started raining after we were done!
This is one of my favorite pictures.
They are so fun and have so much energy!!

(Amanda, Ashley, Brian and Natalie)
What's neat is that Natalie is going to turn 4 on Dec. 19th and Ashley is going to turn 2 on Dec. 15th! It's helped a great deal talking to Amanda about birthdays in December and the clothes that she has given us are perfect for the seasons.

He's sitting in the candy bowl that Nick got a few years ago.
"Trick Or Treat. Smell My Feet" with witches shoes!!

We went to a Halloween party last night that was full of tricks and treats.
Nick worked on my oven all week long and got very creative with it. He pulled out all of the stops including some orange glow sticks taped on the inside that made my belly look like it was baking! The dots on my belly are little cupcakes from some ribbon that I had. The towel is in fact a Halloween kitchen towel.
Nick's costume is genuine! I got it from Seattle Restaurant Supply including the 2 ft. whisk!

We were 33 weeks along yesterday!!

From L-R: Monika, Nick, Shannon, Luke (lower), Ryan, me, Savanna, Kari, Courtnie and Angie.
Update: We saw Dr. Call last week and my blood pressure was high enough to get him concerned. He placed me on a leave of absence from work which means I'm no longer working. It took me a couple of days to really soak it all in but it's what is best for the baby and I. On Thursday I tied up all my loose ends at work, turned in my keys and said good-bye to my staff. I'm not returning to work until 12 weeks after I deliver. Strange.. that means March sometime. I am not on bed-rest as of now but the doctor was clear that I am not to do any "nesting" activities or household chores. I need to rest as much as possible and lay down 2 hrs. in the morning and afternoon.
Because of the high blood pressure and the lack of movements I have noticed in the past week, Dr. Call sent us in for another ultrasound but this time is was a Biophysical Profile. It's like a non-stress test but at a higher level. Her heartrate, fluids around her and her gross motion were all measured during the 30 min. ultrasound.
We got the results the next day and she scored an 8 out 8!! 100%. She's doing great. How I understand the Biophysical Profile is it's like a Apgar score that a baby is given right after they are born but this score is given while she is still in the womb.
I will continue to see Dr. Call every week at this point. He's keeping a close eye on us and will also have a non-stress test done weekly as well.
During the appointment I weighed in and I've lost another 1.5 pounds. I think that puts me down to a total weight gain of 8 pounds from when we found out I was pregnant. I'm doing very well with my diet and my glucose levels are great. The Metformin is working and my fasting numbers are 95 or lower, just where the doctor wants them!!
Happy 2nd anniversery to Nick and I tomorrow. It's neat to remember what we were doing 2 years ago today.. preparing for one of the biggest days of our lives. Nick spent the night at his parents house and I enjoyed some wine with my girlfriends. Here we are 2 years later preparing for another BIG day.. the birth of our first child. Wow.. time really does fly by!
Oh My Shelly Girl! The costume of you and Nick is super and I am glad you don't work and will rest for your health and Baby Jones! Wish I was able to wait on you and clean your house.