A week ago today, I was placed on bed rest. Doctor's orders.
There are many different types of bed rest and here are my limitations: Up and about for a maximum of 2 hours each day. Allowed to get up for meals, shower or the restroom. I am able to be in bed, on the couch or the recliner which is nice.
If you know me well, you know that I am a very stubborn person and being placed on a LOA was a bit of a shock. By the time I was getting use to that idea I was placed on bed rest which has been even harder for me. With the love and support from family and friends this last week hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Okay, that and the 3 exceptions my doctor made which are: I was able to go over to my parents house for the weekend while Nick was in San Francisco on business, I was able to go to my hair appointment last night (which for the record was 2 weeks past the point that I would like) and I am able to attend the last 2 baby classes! I offered Dr. Call a $20 spot but he didn't accept. Just kidding!!
So not to get all mushy on all of you, but thank you for all of the help, visits, calls and check in's. It's times like this when the little things really brighten up my day!
The reasons I was placed on bed rest: Because of the gestational diabetes our little girl is measuring about 4 weeks ahead of where the "normal" is, which has caused my body to think that we're 39 weeks along instead of 34. During my non-stress test last week, the nurse discovered that i was having contractions and was dilated. I just thought the contrations were cramping and the doctor ordered an exam and a test called a "Fetal Fibronectin" to see if my cervix was producing any protiens. The results came back with 1 cm. dilation and negative on the protiens which is a good thing! She still needs to bake for another 4 weeks... so I'm doing what it takes to keep her in there and safe! The great news was that our baby passed last week and this week with flying colors! She's happy and healthy as can be. They monitor her heart rate and movements and make sure that when she is moving around (which is a lot) that her heart rate goes up and stays up for a period of time.

Thank you Mom for taking care of me and keeping me off my feet this last weekend! It was wonderful spending the time with you. I enjoyed every minute.

I had a wonderful appointment with Dr. Call on Wednesday. He was very happy with my glucose numbers and it shows in her growth! Her head diameter went from 9.06 cm to 9.09 cm over a week. We're able to get her growth to slow down to "normal" with my eating right and keeping my numbers where they need to be. (Pat on the back for me!).
Weight gain or should I say weight loss? I'm down to a total gain for the whole pregnancy of 4, yes 4 pounds. Interesting to think that she weighs more than 4 pounds right now.
I am still seeing Dr. Call every Wendesday and have a non-stress test every Thursday. During this last appointment Nick and discussed our "birth plan" which was not a long list at all and Dr. Call said we have a chance of vaginally delivering her instead of a C-section and he is planning on inducing us at 39 weeks regardless. December 11th. =) The 9th is my youngest sister's birthday.. that would be a cool date too.

My Bed-Rest Buddies. They keep an eye on me while Nick's at work, except for when they sleep half their day away. Wow, they make it look so easy!
Oh Shelly, you must be bored out of your mind. I wish I could come hang out and watch movies with you! So you just might get 12/11/10 after all, hmm? :) Congratulations on eating so well ... you're a great mom already!
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be such a beautiful, loved baby! Nick was gorgeous...for a baby boy...with big, dark eyes and long curly eyelashes. His hair wasn't as long as Tim's & Mitch's, but when it came in it was very curly. With Shelly's sweet face, long eyelashes and curly hair...this little cupcake will be a beauty!
ReplyDeleteWith all the other December birthdays (remember, Ethan's is the 12th) we're going to have to celebrate un-birthdays in June.