We hope that all of our friends and family had a wonder and relaxing Thanksgiving.

A few days before Thanksgiving, we had a bit of snow here in Washington. Nick never has any trouble driving around in the snow. I was very thankful not to have to drive to work or worry about my branch being open this year. I was safe and cozy at home.

An update from the doctor's visits on Wednesday:
Nick was able to join me for the non-stress test this week for the first time! He was quite facinated by everything from hearing her heartbeat the whole time to being able to see what her heartrate was. (It ranges from the 130's to 200). Out little girl passed the test once again with flying colors. She's very active!
My belly is measuring 41 cm and I gained a pound over the last week! I'm up to 3 pounds gained. At this point, she should be gaining an ounce a day or a half a pound a week.
(She currently has the hiccups). =)
Her head measurement went from 9.37 to 9.60 cm.
I'm now almost dilated 2 cm and 75% effaced. I'm having contractions more frequently and can tell my body is getting ready for the big day.
Nick and I asked Dr. Call about calling him first if my water were to break or I went into labor. Yep, we're suppose to give him a call day or night before heading into the hospital. He also told us that we can schedule the inducement on Saturday the 11th, but that doesn't mean it will happen fast and she'll be born that day.
We have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday the 6th to get a better idea of her size and weight. We'll meet with Dr. Call on Wednesday the 8th and discuss our options then.. and schedule either the c-section (crossing our fingers it doesn't have to happen that way) or inducement. So... 2 weeks from tomorrow, something will be happening. Whoa!
That's it for now.
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