Friday, December 31, 2010

This litle piggy went to the market...

For Christmas, Santa gave me a macro lens! Nick and I have enjoyed playing around with it and taking pictures of Madeleine.

I'm starting to realize that I don't know many nursery rhymes including the "little piggy went to the market" but I'm doing a pretty good job at making things up when I'm singing to Madeleine.

Now there are 3 of us to fit in this shot. =)

We took about 25 shots of her and didn't get a good one of her looking at the camera.

Using the macro lens.
She's holding Nick's finger.

Dreaming of what she was going to ask Santa for this year.

The Jones family (Tim, Renee and kids) gave these awesome sunglasses to Madeleine for Christmas. Too cute!!
Nick and I are still working on getting Maddy's "internal clock" changed over to PST. ;-) She loves to be awake and fussy between midnight and 3:30-4:00 am. For the last couple of nights she has sleep from 3:30 until 7 or 7:15 which has been nice but I've been told by many parents that as soon as you get use to something or think you have a routine, things change!
I'm looking forward to her smiling back at me. We've already have noticed changes in her. Her newborn diapers are not as loose and she tracks our faces or a toy that I hold in front of her and move just a little. Everything (with the exception of crying) makes me melt.
Nick goes back to work on Monday and it's just Maddy and I hanging out after that. My return to work date is March 1st. =(

1 comment:

  1. So what lens did you get? I'm so curious!! Macro must be fun. =) Nice pics. Love the one of her sleeping face. What a beautiful girl.
