Here's an update on weeks 27 and 28. Today, I am 28 weeks along!
During week 27: We entered the 3rd trimester. Her eye lids have been fused together since week 11 or 12 and they are now opening and closing between weeks 27 and 28! Her chance of survival at this point in the pregnancy would be 85% if she had to be delivered. Not to worry.. She's still in there baking, doing well and is very active. Speaking of.. we're now at the "most active period of the pregnancy" - between weeks 27 and 32. It's neat to feel her moving around and knowing the difference between her moving and kicking or punching. I haven't seen the "sweeping moves" that most moms talk about but I'm sure that's just around the corner.
During this next week (28): She is able to recognize Nick's voice at this point! Nick is currently in China for a business trip but before he left he set up a camera on the laptop I use so that we are able to have video chats. She had been active around the time that I started the last chat but when Nick started talking.. her movements really took off!! It was an amazing feeling. Another thing that makes her move a lot is when our cat Chester will lay down on my lap, is touching my belly and puring.. she'll start to kick a lot more!
Also this week she might be able to see light or some sort of light through the womb.
Mostly at this point she is putting on weight. She only has about 2-3% body fat now.
She now weighs 2-2.5 pounds and is about 15 inches long. (When she is born she will most likely be between 19-21 inches long).
Our next appointment is scheduled for Friday, October 1st. It's the appointment that I get to take the glucose test! I'm really not that excited about having the test done but will be happy to have it over with. We will have an updated picture to share as well.

27 weeks along!
There's something about diaper covers that I just love!!

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