LCP stands for Lake Connor Park. It's a private campground where Nick and I bought a piece of property last year because we enjoyed camping with Shannon and Ryan on their lot. Eventually, the lot next to theirs came up for sale! LCP is up in Lake Stevens, just about a half hour away from where we live now.

Here is Shannon and Ryan's lot. See the shed? Yup, It's cougar colors. Ryan's a cougs fan and Nick is a husky fan.
So looking at this picture, to the left of Ryan's shed is our lot. In front of Ryan's truck is Luke and Monika's lot and their new 5th wheel. Needless to say, it's tons of fun to hang out here on the weekends and during the summer. The lake
(fishing only) gets filled by the park with trout during the year. They take the recycled pop/beer cans in for $$ and buy the trout. The park is very large. A few hundred campsites, maybe? There are 3 pools, clubhouses and bathrooms with warm showers!

Here's the inside of our trailer. On the opposite side is the queen bed, bathroom and closet. No, I didn't put the curtains up. They came with the trailer. It feels like our second home.

This is Fred. One of Monika's little nic-nack things that she has on her lot. She's the one that has the green thumb and is making her lot super cute with plants and flowers.
Chester has this tunnel that he loves. A few mornings ago, I was walking by and didn't notice that he was hiding in it. He JUMPED out at me to attack my leg. Boy, it scared me! I screamed and then chased after him. He's done it a few times since then. I'm starting to think that he thinks it's really funny.

Looks like loads of fun. I'm glad you posted about it because now I have more of a visual when you're talking about it.
ReplyDeleteStill love your hair. Silly chester.
Looks awesome. Maybe Russ and I will be able to go up there with you guys sometime. I can't believe how big Joey is!